Shrewsbury Prison Paranormal Investigations – June 2022

June has been a massive success in the world of paranormal with many unexplained occurrences and some exciting investigators joining us behind bars!
Famous TikTockers, Dan Spragg and Adam Oakley joined us for an evening visit to seek out some spirits willing to communicate. Everything they experienced was live on Dan’s TikTok channel and many recordings were made by fans all over the country. Oakley also shared an eerie clip on his TikTok, asking his followers if they believed the movement on camera to be an orb. This clip is still available to view.
Using a paranormal communicative device, Adam asked many questions and received some unmistakable feedback. At first some faint knocks were heard in response but when asking the direct question “What cell number are you?” the entity conveyed that they were in “Cell 6” followed by the statement “Do not!” A short 5-minute preview was posted to Dan’s Facebook page, Ghost Trip Investigation.
Follow the link to hear it for yourself: Listen Here
Haunted Happenings joined us, once again, for a very active night. Our paranormal supervisor, Barry was shocked and delighted to have witnessed the most haunted cell in C-Wing’s door slam open and closed 3 times and then stop suddenly. 10 minutes later the exact same thing happened and with no explanation. He also reports to have seen a shadowy figure in the same area. Could this be the Grey Lady many have seen walking the landings from cell 203?
The Execution Suite was the most active location of the night. Investigators were able to speak to spirits through a Ouija Board and their K2 machine picked up a lot of signals too. A K2 machine measures electronic pulses and it’s said that if one lights up there is a spirit nearby. Once the group had tucked themselves snuggly into their cells, Barry once again heard a door slam at around 3am, but this time the bang was coming from the Execution Room.
Towards the end of the month Most Haunted came along for a sleepover event with us. Upon arrival, they chose their cells for the night and as always, they were greeted by our officers, this time the helpful Liz and Ellen. Our guides then went on to give everyone an insightful tour on the history of Shrewsbury Prison and what life would have been like for inmates here. They were careful not to mention any of our ghost sightings as not to influence anything our visitors may see or hear later in the night.
Karl Beattie and Stuart Torevell, presenters of Most Haunted, provided an introduction for the group before they set of to start their investigations and were greeted with resounding gasps and applause.
It was reported that many bangs and footsteps were heard throughout the night as well as whistling on A-Wing, but when investigators went to check where the sounds were coming from all went quiet and nothing could be found…