Educational Visits to Shrewsbury Prison

The summer is officially here and at Shrewsbury Prison we have enjoyed glorious sunny days and the hottest day of the year thus far. The beautiful weather and nice cool interior of the prison seems to have attracted many Educational Visits, with Shrewsbury Prison playing host to more than 390 students this month. Some of our school groups brought groups upwards of 50 students including Madeley Academy, Holy Trinity Primary School and Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form, to name a few.
At the prison, we aim to tailor each Educational Visit to the student’s needs, interests and topics alongside the national curriculum. Officer Liz was delighted to welcome Holy Trinity Primary Schoolâs year six group, who had been studying Georgian and Victorian crime and punishment (her favourite topic). She was extremely impressed with the children’s knowledge of the period and how much they had learned prior to their visit. Our officers also enjoyed a visit from Trafford Collegesâ business and law students, the small group of six students were some of the most insightful students we have welcomed to Shrewsbury Prison. They asked many questions about prison procedures and why they were done that way. As some of our country’s future barristers and solicitors were within the group, it is important to show them what they may be sentencing people to and the kind of legal defense they may need to perform.
There were some lighter moments during the tour, when a group of students (Year 12âs from Madeley College) discussed plugging in the prison with Officer Freeman. The discussion about Kinder Eggs and how many had been found in one prisoner, usual causes a response of shock, instead the students burst into laughter, impressed and demonstrated a worryingly approving round of applause. Two students who had clearly seen one too many Hollywood films, in jest turned one of their pockets out with the other student holding onto it as they toured the prison, joking about being a âprison wifeâ. Thankfully one of our officers was on hand to discuss the reality of relationships behind bars and break some of the myths caused by Hollywood.
This is exactly why we believe educational tours of prisons are so important, providing the truth, reality and impact of prisons to the next generation, hopefully none of which will ever see the wrong side of the bars.
We love the variety of personalities that we see on each visit, and we can’t wait to welcome all the Educational Visits in July â just before the summer holidays begin.